We help busy

agents scale

with the right systems and team you can scale your way to freedom. Working longer and harder eventually costs you time, energy and family.

"This is the best program I've ever taken. In my 30 years as an agent I've been through all the other big coaches but this is by far the most impactful."

Norm Fisher


How Scaled Are You?

This assessment will show you how scalable your business is currently and get a personalized game plan to show you what is possible.

What is the

real estate reboot?

The Real Estate Reboot is a program for busy agents over $150k looking to scale.

We dive deep into 3 areas:

Systems, Hiring, and Mindset

It's designed with pre-built systems and tools guaranteed to get your time back, raise your client experience and align your business goals with your personal goals.

You get a personalized plan every 60 days, access to an expert panel of coaches focused on mindset and implementation.

The goal is to build a business that continues to grow even when you are on holidays!

"I was doing 100 sales a year in my small town when I joined Reboot. I was burning out and knew I needed to change something. Ben helped my mindset first, he challenged my thinking and changed my perspective on the whole real estate business. I reset my goals to build a life I love vs chase the GCI.I am so grateful to Ben and this amazing tribe."

Clayton C

Florence, AZ

"I tried following how other agents did it, but found myself guessing a lot with no real plan. Now after coaching for the last 4 years, I am fully systemized, have a small team. I am now top 10% nationally and consistently take 3 days off every week."

Jimmy Cox

If You Join Our Tribe

10 Reboot Promises

  1. Help you hire, manage & coach your assistant.

  2. Help you set up and manage your team to run optimally.

  3. Help you put in at least five critical operational systems.

  4. Help you put in your "after the sale" systems to be run by your admin team.

  5. Stop the energy leaks in your business and life.

  6. Shift from a worker mindset to a business owner mindset.

  7. Deepen the connection with your past clients.

  8. Holiday while your business grows.

  9. Increased referrals year over year.

  10. Always be moving forward & never burn out again.

We Hand Pick Every Student To Guarantee Real Results

"When I joined the Reboot I was tired of working every minute of every day. After joining the Reboot program 2 years ago so much has changed, I have an assistant, systems running, and my financial management systems are is the best shape. Today I have over 15 agents on my team and consistently in the top 1% of agents in my state year over year. BUT, the best thing I can say is I am way less stressed, I have taken more holidays than I ever had before and am enjoying this business more than ever. This is the real deal."

Kimberley T

Manchester, NH

how it works

Our Coaching Method

3 pILLARS TO A Scaled Real Estate Business


After 15 years of coaching agents we have refined the most effective step by step framework for agents to follow to create a scaled predictable business thats a becomes a money machine serving the life they want to live.

4 Part Business Audit

When a new agent joins we need to dig into their current business and find the best course of action. They do a 4 part business audit covering client acquisition, client experience, Business Systems, and Mindset. This is what our coaches use to build the plan and refer back to while coaching.

Personalized Game Plans

Using the Business Audit you work with a coach building a plan focused on 60-day sprints creating laser focus on the most important actions to move you forward as quick as you can.

One-on-One Coaching

Ongoing 1-on-1 coaching to take measurements, hold you accountable to your plan, bounce ideas off of, and provide skilled advice, to take the right actions personalized to your current plan.

Wednesday Coaching

Breakout Rooms

Hiring & Team Management

Mindset & Clarity

Operation & Systems

Finances & Tax Strategies

Sales & Marketing

Weekly Drop in Coaching

With Ben

Ben makes himself available 3 hours a week for our agents to drop in and get coaching. Stop in for a quick question or stay for the entire 3 hours the choice is yours.

Assistant Coaching & Mastermind

Weekly we coach your assistant on how to execute and run all the systems for you. We take the load off the agents so they can continue selling, serving, and enjoying life.

"I do about 50 deals a year and was struggling with finding balance. I had a lot of 'mom guilt'. I've now hired an assistant and can take time off. And I'm finally looking forward to putting in all the needed systems."

Natalia Zamiti

"I've always struggled with hiring an assistant because I never wanted to pay for one when times were slower. Within a few weeks in the Reboot, I had an assistant and now I can actually be present at home. And now I'm able to keep in touch with my past clients."

Tyler Ellis

"I completely shifted my business since meeting Ben. I was doing over 120+ deals a year and doing the work of 3 agents. My family and marriage was suffering. Now, my wife and I are reconnected and I've completely scaled my business."

Carson Beier


You ALSO get access to

We have all systsems pre-built all the systems you’ll l need to scale. Comes with training videos, PDFs checklists, and plans. You just pull it off the shelf and install them into your business.

Agents get access to a dedicated implementation team when they get stuck on a project. They will work with you on your project for a 30-minute power session to get you unstuck and moving forward.

We handpick the agents we coach.You get plugged into our reboot referral network with high-quality connections with some of the top agents in the country.

Invite to our personal growth tribe retreats. Hang with Ben and the tribe for 3 days. Ben has a unique gift for unlocking dormant potential, helping you through blindspots, and creating amazing experiences.

Have us look at your business


Through a close up look at your business, we can quickly discover what's working, what's not

working, and why. You will leave the call with clarity, fresh advice, and a plan moving forward.


Trusted by 1000+ of agents

"After seeing Ben speak, our eyes were opened. We are usually top agents in our office but were running the business as workers, not business owners. After joining, Ben and his team immediately helped us hire an assistant and put in a couple of systems that raised our client experience 10x. We have so many past clients messaging us blown away by the experience they get now. We love the business again."

Todd & Tasha

Calgary, AB

Hiring the WRONG Coach

Traditional coaching emphasizes constant client acquisition, but as your sales soar, the demands on your time skyrocket.

Most real estate coaches are sales coaches, telling you to sell more to solves all your problems.

This is bad advice when your biggest challenge is a lack of time, energy, and weak systems.

Without robust systems in place, the quality of service declines, past clients are neglected, and when burnout hits, your business risks collapsing under the strain.The wrong coach can cost you a fortune and wasted years of progress.

If you lack sales hire a sales coach, if you lack time hire a business coach.


hear directly from our students

"I was working every weekend trying to grow. Ben taught me how to hire and scale with a team and we

hit over 100 deals this year."

Koukun U

"I had massive imposter syndrome when I got started. I struggled with my self-image. I learned from Ben that authenticity and self-awareness were two keys to success. Once I leaned in things started to happen. Now I only work about 3 to 4 days a week."

Jimmy C

"This community has helped me get through the toughest time in my life. I was going through treatments for brain cancer and the support that I felt was immense."

A.J. P

"I learned that there's a big difference in having a team and being a leader of my team. I learned to love the business again. I've been able to take 3 vacations this year alone!"

Renee B

"I had massive goals and no matter how much I achieved I was always disappointed and felt empty. I learned how to enjoy my wins and shifted how I viewed success. I take more time off now to enjoy my time with my family... and my business grew!"

Koukun U


MEET Ben oosterveld

Ben Oosterveld has had everything and nothing. After coaching agents for years, he got his real estate license and built a multimillion-dollar real estate business with an award winning team in the span of three years.

And yet, he’s also known homelessness and despair, living on the streets from the age of fourteen, attempting suicide at fifteen, and later spending 365 days in rehab. The power of experiencing these radically different worlds is that Ben sees straight through the illusions that preoccupy most people and cuts through the BS that limits their freedom.

Today, he uses this gift to support ambitious agents, turning their hard work and hustle into fully scaled real estate businesses that serve the life they want to live.


MORE OF our students

"The Reboot program changed my life. Before I was drained, leading a team of 11 and on the verge of burnout. Now, I'm no longer chasing any deals. I'm working 50% less and I make the same amount of money. The best part is I spend more time than ever before with my wife and kids."

Harminder S

"I've got the systems in place and I couldn't be more happier. It's been an amazing ride!"


"The client experience systems that I've learned have been mind blowing. I have clients reaching out that I haven't spoken to in 10 years."


"This has been huge for transition from sales into real estate. It's been the perfect fit that lines up with our values of personal growth and business."


This program changed so much me. I was always good at sales but i was missing the long game of human connection, thoughfulness and the focus on keeping my clients for life. The systems I learned blew my clients minds!


“I sell over 100 homes a year and this gave me massive clarity and systems to build a real business that serves me. I can take the pressure off myself and still be very successful.”


"I won't take any other program! This was a game changer for my business."

Viktoriya F

"My increased self-worth has directly affected my net worth. My business has grown substantially, it’s more sustainable and automated.”


"I'm thrilled with everything I've learned. I'm running a business instead of just selling."


"This has been a safe place to share our thoughts openly. It's a tribe of support that you can't find anywhere else."


"I heard Ben speak and signed up for coaching. This program helped me stop overthinking everything and gave me clear simple steps to scale my business. I was already a systems guy but maybe too much. Today I have an assistant and buyer’s agent and mentally I have more peace of mind, a better connection with my family, and I make more money than I ever have before."

Sunny D

Vancouver, BC

"I am in my second year in the program, the team of coaches, the access to Ben, the systems I just keep putting in, and the focus on building a business that serves me, are just a few things I love. I love the group and still look forward to attending the coaching each week."

Kelly L

Winnipeg, MB

"I just took a month off with my family in Thailand and my business ran and grew, I could have never done that before. I was always great at sales and was consistently one of the top agents in my office. This program gave me a big mindset shift from grinder to business owner. We’re still stacking all the systems, leveling up my ability to lead my team, and I love the accountability keeping me focused on doing the right things at the right time."

Phil A

Winnipeg, MB

"I coached with Ben in 2017 and it changed how I ran my business forever. I was stuck at 150k for years but with the systems, personal growth, and Ben challenging my thinking, today I am consistently making over 400k. Today I travel all the time with my family, I have an assistant, after-the-sale systems and my main focus is the connection with the client and taking care of that relationship for years to come and the referrals just keep on flowing!"

Corey McEwen

Edmonton, AB

Have us look at your business


Through a close up look at your business, we can quickly discover what's working, what's not working, and why. You will leave the call with clarity, fresh advice, and a plan moving forward.